Watch this quick message from the creator of Public Speaking Mastery, Lisa Elia.


Do you love speaking in public and feel ready to uplevel your skills?

Or do you get so nervous before speaking in public that you don’t deliver as effectively as you’d like, or do you avoid public speaking altogether?

Maybe you're somewhere in the middle.

No matter where you are currently regarding your speaking skills, you can become a more confident, compelling speaker who engages audiences and makes an impact. This program will also help you make emotional shifts to feel more powerful, centered, and self-assured.

Here are the details on the Public Speaking Mastery course.

This course will help you make the mindset and habit shifts and develop the verbal and nonverbal communication skills and strategic thinking to speak with confidence, clarity, and charisma.

It's based on the work that I've done with thousands of clients over the past 25 years to prepare them for speeches, presentations, media interviews, board meetings, pitches, and more.

It contains six training modules, each of which contains several videos, worksheets, and digital tools. You also receive a one-year membership in my group coaching program where you can ask me questions and get my coaching and feedback. The topics covered in this course include:

Public Speaking Mastery & Your Communication Foundation


With the Public Speaking Master portion of the program, you receive six training modules and a one-year membership in my group coaching program. The topics covered include:

1. Assessment and Awareness - Identify Strengths, Patterns, and Areas to Improve

With this module, you receive tools to gain greater awareness of your current communication skills, including Communication Audits, a Communication Progress Tracker, and a set of four online Communication Assessments you can take to better understand your strengths and areas that could use improvement regarding:

  • how you communicate
  • how you present yourself
  • your leadership communication skills
  • and the systems, processes, and culture that influence and facilitate communication in our organization

You can choose which of the assessments you want to complete.

There are also exercises to do to increase your awareness of your communication style and patterns.

This module will help you identify the gaps in your communication skills and, if you manage a team or organization, the gaps in the processes and missing elements that could strengthen communication and company culture.

2. The Mindsets and Habits of Great Communicators

You read that right, mindsets! While you might have one primary mindset or macro mindset, you also have micro mindsets that apply to different situations.

In this module, you will learn about the mindsets and habits of great communicators, including:

  • mindsets that work for you and those that don't and how to shift yours
  • quieting the inner critic, overcoming limiting beliefs, and shifting negative self-talk
  • a quick and effective warm-up routine to manage nervousness and gain focus before speaking in public or other high-stakes situations
  • identifying and removing the blocks to your confidence
  • habits to create to show up at your best in your daily life and for big events
  • counterproductive communication habits that waste your time and diminish others’ view of you, and how to eliminate them
  • and how to edit your inputs so you have more control over what you feed your mind

After completing this module, you should feel deep positive shifts in terms of clarity and confidence and feel a greater sense of inner strength and peace.

If you experience stage fright or have a fear of public speaking, this program is a game-changer!

3. Strategic Thinking and Emotional Intelligence - Two Pillars of Excellent Communication

This module focuses on understanding your audience(s) deeply so you can communicate most effectively with them. This module covers:

  • understanding your operating system so you can decide what's working for you and what you want to change for better results
  • increasing your empathy and curiosity in all situations
  • gaining clarity on the intention and goals of the communication, including relationship-building and preservation
  • identifying each audience’s goals, needs, fears, challenges, and objections
  • determining what to communicate when and in which form
  • the secret to developing communications that reach the heart and the mind
  • how to deepen your emotional intelligence

Upon completion of this module, you will have specific strategies and tactics to navigate various situations. There are exercises and tools to help you continue increasing your emotional intelligence, which is a lifelong learning process.

4. Body Language or Nonverbal Communication

This module covers nonverbal communication, which some people refer to as body language. This is crucial because up to 93% of our communication can be based on nonverbal communication.

In addition to covering advantageous or ideal body language to use in various situations, you will learn to identify both overt nonverbal behaviors and subtle nuances when observing others. This module covers:

  • posture
  • gestures
  • facial expression
  • eye contact
  • proxemics (how closely you stand to others, for example)
  • how your body language can change the way you feel about yourself and others

After completing this module, you should have a greater understanding of nonverbal communication and how to improve yours in each situation.

5. Verbal Delivery That Captivates

This module covers how to structure oral content and speak concisely, clearly, and compellingly. It includes:

  • the habits to change to quickly appear more credible and confident, such as eliminating filler words (um, like, you know)
  • pausing purposefully for impact and to maintain your composure
  • deciding what to say and what to leave out or save until later
  • choosing the right words for the audience and the occasion
  • varying your tone, pace, and intonation to engage listeners
  • connecting emotionally to your content to bring it to live

When you complete this module, you will have learned how to speak with more authority and polish your verbal delivery, which is extremely useful in any business or social setting.

6. Powerful Public Speaking - Structure, Storytelling, and Captivating Audiences

For those who have a fear of public speaking, we will have addressed techniques to help shift that fear and help you feel and convey greater confidence in Module 2. In this module, we will cover:

  • finding your "success zone" to improve every speech or conversation you have
  • the art of storytelling, how to choose which stories to tell, and when to incorporate them
  • taking the nonverbal and verbal skills you will have developed and applying them to various public speaking scenarios
  • structuring a powerful speech that suits the occasion and audience
  • how and when to incorporate humor
  • connecting with the audience and keeping them engaged
  • rehearsing effectively, including for Q&A sessions
  • creating presentations for work that are informative and clear and not bone-dry and boring
  • how and when to incorporate visuals
  • the art of storytelling, how to choose which stories to tell, and when to incorporate them
  • finding your "success zone" to improve every speech or conversation you have
  • making the most of panel opportunities as a moderator or panelist

Whether you need to explain a new initiative, provide a progress report, or excite and motivate people to embrace change, this module will prepare you with strategies and tactics to help you shape and deliver your content with confidence and the right tone, be it gravitas, optimism and high energy, sensitivity, or something else.

One Time Payment Of


A payment plan of $97 per month for 12 months is available on the next page, after you click the Enroll Today button.

Here's a summary of what you receive.

  • training videos, written transcripts, templates, and exercise prompts (6 modules in total, with multiple videos per module)
  • access to two monthly group coaching calls each month for one year
  • bonus materials that I will add occasionally
  • lifetime access to the materials

The first module of this program went live on April 15, 2024. Subsequent modules are being released every two weeks until all 12 are live.


Read what clients say about my work with them.

I share the same systems and processes in this program.

Copyright 2024    Elia Erickson, LLC




Any results shown through our website are only examples and testimonials describing what others have achieved. There can be no assurance as to any particular outcome based on the use of our website or products. You agree that I am not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your personal or business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our website. You are solely responsible for your results.

To read our Terms of Purchase, click here.

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