Watch this quick message from the creator of the Mindsets and Habits of Great Communicators course, Lisa Elia.


One of the most essential foundational shifts you can make to become the person you want to be is in your overall mindset, or macro mindset.

There are additional shifts you can make in your micro mindsets, which are situation-dependent, that can help you navigate just about anything with a greater sense of calm, certainty, and confidence. Putting habits into place will help you maintain those mindsets and vice versa.

This is what the Mindsets and Habits of Great Communicators course is all about.

In this course, you will learn how to shift your macro mindset and micro mindsets to prepare you to be at your best in various situations, from public speaking to one-on-one conversations. You will also learn to develop habits to help you maintain those mindsets so you feel and convey greater confidence and centeredness.

This work is based on the work I've done with clients over more than 25 years to prepare them for speeches, presentations, media interviews, investor pitches, and everday business interactions.

This course includes:

  • mindsets that work for you and those that don't and how to shift yours
  • quieting the inner critic, overcoming limiting beliefs, and shifting negative self-talk
  • a quick and effective warm-up routine to manage nervousness and gain focus before speaking in public or other high-stakes situations
  • identifying and removing the blocks to your confidence
  • habits to create to show up at your best in your daily life and for big events
  • counterproductive communication habits that waste your time and diminish others’ view of you, and how to eliminate them
  • and how to edit your inputs so you have more control over what you feed your mind

After completing this course, you should feel some positive shifts in terms of clarity and confidence and your ability to analyze what’s needed in various situations.

You will receive seven training videos, digital tools and checklists to take what you learn and put it into action, and some bonus material.

Shifting your mindset and habits is the most important step to becoming a better communicator and building greater confidence!

We're so confident that you'll love this course that we're providing a 30-day refund policy.

One Time Payment Of


Here's a summary of what you receive.

  • training videos
  • written transcripts, templates, and exercise prompts to put what you're learning into action
  • lifetime access to the materials

This program begins on April 22, 2024.


Read what clients say about my work with them.

I share the same systems and processes in this program.

Copyright 2024    Elia Erickson, LLC




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