Elevate Your Communication Skills and Confidence with Lisa Elia



If you want to gain clarity on your strengths as a communicator, identify opportunities for growth, and discover a path to improvement, this is where to begin.



Do you feel crystal clear about your communication skills in every business scenario?

What about those of your team, and the processes, systems and materials needed to facilitate the most effective efficient communications that will reflect your company culture, represent your brand, and produce the results you desire? If not, keep reading.

Do you feel crystal clear about your communication skills in every business scenario?

What about those of your team, and the processes, systems and materials needed to facilitate the most effective efficient communications that will reflect your company culture, represent your brand, and produce the results you desire? If not, keep reading.

After working with thousands of clients ranging from solopreneurs to C-suite executives of Fortune 500 companies over the past 25 years, I have found that gaining clarity, deeply and broadly, regarding communication is the most important first step in solving problems and achieving objectives or goals.

I’ve created a set of online self-assessments you can complete to identify what’s working well in terms of your communication and that of your team as well as the systems and processes you use to get everything done. 

Watch this video to see how the assessments work.
Click for sound

The Communication Assessment Pack and Roadmap Includes These Four Online Assessments…

General Communication Assessment - This assessment covers your general interpersonal communication, nonverbal and verbal communication, and writing skills.

Public Speaking Assessment - This assessment covers your abilities when speaking in public, such as during speeches, presentations, panels, and media interviews.

Leadership Communication Skills - This assessment covers your communication skills when leading your team, managing conflicts, explaining initiatives, and more.

Organizational Communication - Systems, Processes, and Company Culture - This assessment covers the systems and processes that facilitate communication and how you share and reinforce the desired company culture.

When you complete each assessment, you will receive an analysis that’s based on your responses. It will explain the aspects of your communication that are effective, and recommendations and a roadmap to improve upon the areas that can be optimized. You can read your analysis and roadmap online and receive a PDF version of it.

By completing these self-assessments, you will gain clarity on what’s working well, opportunities for improvement, and specific steps you can take to improve your skills. If you manage a team or run an organization, the assessments will help you identify gaps in communication processes that, when closed, can improve efficiency, productivity, and morale, and reinforce the company culture.



Here are a few more details about the assessments.

➡️ Once you’ve registered, you will receive an email with a link to access your online Communication Assessment Pack, so you can get started right away.

➡️ You can complete these at your own pace and from any device.

➡️ You can decide if you want to take some or all four of the assessments.

➡️ You can retake the assessments if you want to check your progress over time.

➡️ After you complete each assessment, you can view your report online or download it as a PDF. The report will contain recommendations to improve upon the areas that need it or make the most of your strenghts.

➡️ Your privacy is protected. Only you will see your results. We adhere to GDPR standards of data privacy protection.

If you get stuck or need our help, you can contact us at [email protected].

Awareness is the first step to change and growth. As you go through the assessments, the sheer act of thinking about various aspects of your communication will bring into focus your strengths and opportunities for expansion.


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